Phone: +977 9856060734
11th AGM of Nepal Vegetarian Association
Interaction Program on
Chinese Speaker at Vegfest Organized by Nepal Vegetarian Association
APVU Flag Handover to President of Hong Kong Vegan Association
Holy Places Cleaning Program with Chinese Guests

Welcome to NVA

NVA is a not-for-profit organisation concerned about support for vegetarian food consumption with the objectives to divulge and develop activities that help people find the significance of vegetarian way of life, emphasizing in the fact of morals, benefactions and ethics which could lead people to find the importance of sufficiency economy, care for environment, and support people to understand the healthy way of living by consuming vegetarian food. For we strongly believe that these activities would create a long-lasting peace, love and compassion among humans and all living creatures.

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What We Do?

We promote the adoption of a plant-based diet and lifestyle for a healthy, ethical and sustainable living. Based in the Country of Lord Gautama Buddha: The Messenger of Peace, we offer a community for people to meet, learn, exchange ideas and information, and interact with others interested in plant-based & cruelty-free living for a better world. We are also an active campaigner of animal rights protection, ethical treatment towards animals & strongly protest cruelty in any forms towards animals.   We host number events throughout the year, such as vegan…

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Our Recent Projects

  • Vegan Cooking Classes (Ongoing)

    Vegan Cooking Classes (Ongoing)



    In order to encourage people towards vegetarian lifestyle and…

  • Temple Cleaning and Vegetarian Awareness Campaign (Ongoing)

    Temple Cleaning and Vegetarian Awareness Campaign (Ongoing)


    Temples are our place to worship, our place to show…

  • Earthlings’ condolence meeting – 12th April, 2016

    Earthlings’ condolence meeting – 12th April, 2016


    12th April, 2016-Swayambhunath, Kathmandu, Nepal.

    We believe that our planet…

  • Food festival for animals

    Food festival for animals


    Nepal Vegetarian Association conducted a proper food festival for monkeys…

  • NVA Members

    Join us and help make a kinder, healthier world.

    Being a member of the Nepal Vegetarian Association means you gain information, support and a vegetarian community around you. But it also means you’re a part of the solution. The more people go veg, the more sustainable our world; the fewer animals will suffer. The healthier people will be. Our health care resources will be able to stretch further. And we need you to make it happen. Your membership adds numbers to our voice. It provides much-needed funds so we can help people make the change.

    Membership FormNVA Brochure